Your kids are lucky to have a mom who is working on herself. By Alyson Premo.

Your kids are lucky to have a mom who is working on herself because she knows she can do better when it comes to her relationship with alcohol.

🔥 Do you know how brave you are to be breaking generational patterns?

🔥 Do you know how brave you are to be going against the grain?

🔥 Do you know how brave you are to be digging into the underlying reasons of why you drink in the first place?

🔥 Do you know how brave you are to be breaking a habit you've relied on for years and some even decades?

Mama, you are SO brave.

It takes a lot of courage, strength, and putting aside your ego to look at your mistakes and choose to work on them instead of continuing to stay in a pattern that is harming not only you but your kids.

This isn't an easy thing to do at all, which is why many people choose not to do it. I know on this journey, we can be harder on ourselves than need be, so give yourself credit for all the times you slipped up but are learning the lessons.

Give yourself credit for even having the genuine curiosity to question your relationship with alcohol.

Give yourself credit for starting this journey before you're ready.

Give yourself credit for never giving up. And I KNOW you haven't given up, or you wouldn't be reading this right now.

No matter what you are trying, and that right there is all you can do. Keep trying and learning along the way.

Tomorrow I'm so ready to unveil the Sober Mom Coaching Academyâ„¢. This has been months in the making, and I'm excited for this next step on my growth journey and for Sober Mom Tribe.

Are you ready to become a Certified Sober Mom Coachâ„¢ to guide others to a life of alcohol freedom?

TODAY is the last day to get on the waitlist to receive your discount to Sober Mom Coaching Academyâ„¢! Without being on the list, you WILL NOT receive your discount code, so if you've been eyeing this and know deep down you want to coach others but don't know how, get on that list NOW by clicking HERE.